COUNCILLOR Salim Mulla's personal interpretation of the Harry Potter books (Aug 14) has touched raw nerves in some following readers' letters and opened so much to comment upon.

I think he, like anyone in public service - an MP for example - has a right to use his title of Councillor' to express his feelings about something, as only thus can we really know the man or woman we elect.

I am no expert on Harry Potter books, the Koran or the Bible, but I know the last two to be full of historical fact, with real places, albeit often with new names, and real people, identifiable in their countries' histories, and contain some of our most beautiful language plus some sound philosophies for living.

I heard on radio recently that J K Rowling said that she has tried to incorporate some Christian principles in her stories.

With sound parental involvement and interest in their children's doings, youngsters should be able to separate fact from fiction.

One wonders how many really read these books and are not just must have' members of society.

The words fantasy' and escapism' occur a lot in the letters.

Perhaps the Harry Potter books are less harmful than the pills and drugs some people take for the same ends.

Name and address supplied.