THE council could use our money trying to trace long-forgotten owners of graves, then run the risk of variable workmanship along with having to co-ordinate all the workmen in the cemetery.

This could give rise to a poor appearance and a lot of gravestones laid flat.

Or it could use this money to repair these graves using the workmen they employ already, giving a uniform appearance and quality of work.

A precedent has been set where the council pays for work on the grounds it is not legally responsible.

To deflect future litigation, a sign could be erected warning against pulling/leaning on a headstone.

Whether the council is legally responsible or not, the appearance of a town's cemetery reflects upon the town.

I for one, am prepared to pay via my council tax for current and future graves to be maintained.

Councils across the country are making the wrong decision when they lay down a headstone.

Show all of our dead the respect we hope to receive when we too are dead.

EDWIN SHIELD, Blackburn.