Over the years I have worked alongside every organisation in what is called the Public Sector.

I soon realised that procrastination, prevarication, poor organisation and lack of communication, and co-operation, were the rule.

Recently I attended a meeting at which public safety was discussed.

A question was raised as to why a vital piece of equipment, designed to reduce accidents at a notorious blackspot, had not been installed.

It appeared the equipment (which I know from experience would have taken light years to come to fruition from the time the idea was first mooted) had been mislaid!

When it had finally surfaced, it could not be used because two essential parts were missing.

It can't get any worse I thought, but it did. It seems that no one knew (a) if the parts had been ordered, and worse still, (b), who was responsible for ordering said parts!

At this, I fully expected someone in authority to promise that heads would roll. Alas, no. All that happened were wry grins, a general shrugging of shoulders and a promise to investigate and report back at the next meeting.

In the meantime of course, lives will continue to be in jeopardy. What a mess we would be in if the private sector worked the same way.

D WALKER, Barrowford.