I WONDER what it is that prompts some readers to write letters to our local paper; I see them as very interesting, and of a wide variety. There are the ones that praise other contributors and facilities; those that are informative and topical.

Then there are those letter writers that must be professional moaners who must spend their lives seething.

As John Anson said, "a lot of old people like myself enjoy life in the extreme, not having the propensity to disagree with the world as we busy ourselves with pastimes and hobbies.

Life is wonderful, and if some of us keep in good health, then we thank God for that which He has given us."

I seem to have drifted away from my original intent, which was to remark on the lovely poem The Circle' by Maureen Noonan, not typical of old people's homes, but poignant nevertheless.

Poetry in Poets Corner' is truly welcome.

BILL AUSTIN, Bute Road, Blackburn.