HERE we are again, it's the middle of August, the A-level results are out and on the news we see bright young people receiving their results followed by the usual talking heads' diminishing the achievements of the successful students.

As the GCSE results will also be released the same arguments about dumbing down' and the exams becoming easier will resurface.

These so-called experts are doing the youngsters a vast disservice.

These kids have worked very hard to achieve what they have.

In 2003 I was in the same position as these kids, nervously opening the brown envelope to see whether the examiners agreed with my answers. Fortunately for me they did, but it was far from easy.

What these experts need to realise is that these exams are not easy and the pressures which are put on these youngsters re immense.

Respect needs to be given to them for this and the effort that they put in.

ANDREW HENDERSON, Livesey Branch Road, Blackburn.