I AM writing about the article "Absolutely Staggering" about hospital costs.

I think it is crazy what the East Lancs NHS Trust has to pay for both hospitals in Blackburn and Burnley - £1 billion.

Why didn't they keep BRI and Queen's Park. Doing them up would have cost half of what has been spent on the new hospital.

I agree with what Coun Tony Humphrys said about Private Finance Initiative. I can't believe what a spokesman for Consort Healthcare had to say about it. They said PFI was good value for money!

I think that the rates of interest are "horrific" and this is taking money from frontline medical services which this Government keep putting taxpayer's money into and saying the NHS is safe in our hands. What a load of rubbish.

They are strangling the NHS so they can get more private sector in. Please don't let that happen.

MR A D GORDON, Brighton Terrace, Darwen.