I NOTED with indignation your article (LT April 7) about the illegal parking by traffic wardens in a Darwen street.

All right, we can accept the driver going the wrong way down a one-way street, after all, we all make mistakes.

We may be able to accept that traffic wardens have a special dispensation to park on double yellows in pursuit of their job.

But come on, this particular warden acted without any consideration for other road users, particularly pedestrians. His vehicle was photographed parked in such a way as to cause an obstruction to a pavement (as well as on double yellows) and to cause pedestrians to have to walk in the road.

Further to this he was parked in contravention of the Highway Code (page 56 para 217) on the brow of a hill and within 10 metres of a junction. If the officials don't obey the rules then why on earth should anyone else?

If the council will not take action, then maybe some aggrieved motorist should bring a private prosecution. I am sure the council would be able to provide the driver's details, photographic evidence is already a matter of public record thanks to the Telegraph.

In addition, I wonder why it takes such a large vehicle for a warden to execute his job. Surely a smaller vehicle would be less likely to cause obstruction to other road users, as well as being more economical and more environmentally friendly, possibly a bicycle could be provided.