MPs have approved the introduction of standardised packaging for cigarettes in the UK later.

It will mean from 2016 every packet will look the same except for the make and brand name, with graphic photos accompanying health warnings.

The Irish Republic passed a similar law earlier this month and Australia has had plain packaging in place since 2012. More than 600 children aged 11 to 15 start to smoke every day – more than 200,000 a year. The review said if that number could be cut even by 2%, 4,000 fewer would take up the habit.

Research has shown standardised packaging makes the packets less appealing and helps reinforce health messages. Health campaigners have long been pushing for the move, saying it will help save lives. Cancer Research UK, said there was a growing weight of evidence that it would have an impact.

Branding is so valuable corporations spend millions of pounds on getting it right, of course the attraction of smoking will be adversely affected. I say well done, get on and legislate. An ex smoker in school days, the best thing I ever did was to give up. Better health, more money and more time to enjoy my cash. Drugs whatever their designation rely on addiction.

My personal opinion. I wish this government would just ban cigarettes outright instead of this plain packaging rubbish. People can vapourise if they need a nicotine fix. 100+ people a day are diagnosed with lung cancer in the UK, mostly due to smoking. Imagine how many thousands lives could be saved if this government had the guts and courage just to stamp out cigarettes. The health service would probably save billions of pounds. These evil outdated things are a menace to peoples health.

Cllr Salim Mulla Blackburn with Darwen Council