Having been in sales and promotion most of my life I really admire the media’s current campaign to bring up the election debate at every possible opportunity.

I’m sure when it happens it will have boosted their viewing figures enormously. David Cameron, I am sure, is not worried by facing Ed Miliband or vice versa but they are both very frightened of Nigel Farage. Why? Because by speaking on behalf of the ‘majority’ of the population he feels very strongly that we must have an EU referendum.

This will become the focal point of the debate, much to the real anxiety of all the other parties who do not want a referendum – let alone leave the EU.

Being members of the European Union effects virtually every issue in this election. Immigration, the NHS, the economy, money we pay to the EU, housing, free movement of people, guarding our borders and who rules Britain are but a few of the issues involved.

If the TV debate does not go ahead it will be because all those concerned, other than the majority of the public and UKIP, don’t want an EU referendum or a serious debate on immigration.

Harvey Carter, Lower Darwen (via email)