FRIENDSHIPS are a wonderful thing, especially in times of crisis.

Some of the best friendships we forge can last a lifetime and these bonds can never be broken.

Our story about Elisabeth Devey, from Burnley, helping her best friend Natalie Gabrielsen, who has a brain tumour, is a classic example of how strong friendships can be.

Elisabeth has set herself a gruelling challenge of completing a 10km run, half-marathon, a sky dive and a 26.2 mile marathon in a year to raise money for charity.

These tasks will put her body to the ultimate test as she isn’t very sporty but she is still determined to cross the finishing line.

Natalie, from Rishton, has described her friend’s efforts as amazing and it will give her a massive boost as she battles her illness.

It will also give a £10,000 funding boost towards research into brain tumours, which is seriously underfunded compared to breast and prostate cancers.

Facebook and social media may have brought people back together after many years but there is no substitute for friends, who are always there when you need them.