Like dozens of other conflicts over the last 100 years the Syrian civil war is ridden with complexity.

The ruling elite is clearly beyond the pale but the opposing forces aren’t a single entity, ranging from moderate democrats through to extremists linked to al-Qaeda.

In the fog of Syria’s crisis, one thing is clear: the ordinary people caught in the crossfire are, as always, the real victims.

Recognising this, dozens of groups across the UK are doing all they can to help.

In Blackburn the Al-Imdaad Foundation has been instrumental in trying to tackle the food crisis in the country and has just sent 25 trucks filled with 650 tonnes of flour to Syrian bakeries.

Understanding that bread is the staple diet of Syrians, the charity has focused all of its efforts on this project. It’s a cause we should all support.

‘Charity begins at home’ the saying goes but our problems in the UK, real though they are, pale in comparison to the Syrian catastrophe.

Thousands killed, millions displaced, the country is in the grip of a terrible humanitarian crisis which shows no sign of going away any time soon.

As always the British public are rallying to the cause and the message we can extract from the foundation’s outstanding actions is that charity will always make a difference, even in situations as seemingly hopeless as Syria.