IN response to the recent letter from Mr A Hurst and regarding the proposal to change the Oak Tree Public House into a Co-op convenience store, please be aware of my feelings as a resident of some 15 years whose property directly adjoins the aforementioned proposal.

The arguments Mr Hurst raises in support of the proposal clearly do not hold water. He states that the shop would be mainly used by people on foot when all other similar outlets are beset by traffic and the problems they cause which wouldn't be restricted to daytime hours as he suggests since these shops are open from 7am to 10pm with a 24-hour cash machine facility meaning traffic would be coming all through the night as well.

He also suggests that since teenagers don't currently congregate around the pub, they wouldn't should it become a shop, yet all other shops in the area suffer from this problem. The reason they don't cause problems around the pub is that it doesn't directly cater for their needs whereas shops do, thereby guaranteeing problems from this source would occur.

It appears that Mr Hurst and those of a like-mind are quite happy to see the lives of those living in close proximity to the proposed shop made a complete misery, have their houses devalued and their children's education suffer just so that they don't have to catch a bus to go shopping.

My question to Mr Hurst is, would he be so keen to see a Co-op built right next door to his property? I don't think so, so don't wish it on others.

MR N FARNWORTH, Beechwood Drive, Blackburn.