I THINK the Ghost of Thomas Lewis will be turning over in his grave, as to me this is another mistake by our council and an insult to the people of our borough to turn the historic Lewis Textile Museum building into a centre for ex-drug addicts.

I agree with what Adrian Lewis and Coun Paul Browne and also Coun Colin Rigby had to say on this matter.

I do not agree with what Coun Andy Kay had to say when he says it will reduce crime and substance misuse and help to develop safer communities etc.

Has he any proof that it will do all those things?

The only thing he (Coun Kay) has is research saying it has shown that helping people to overcome their drug and alcohol problems is an effective way of reducing many types of crime.

I think that the council is wrong in shutting the Lewis Textile Museum but to then reopen as a centre for ex-drug addicts is an insult to the memory of Thomas Lewis.

Surely there are other buildings in Blackburn which could be used as a centre for ex-drug addicts instead of the Lewis building.

I don't have a problem with helping people with those sort of problems, but it should be out of the town centre.

MR A D GORDON (via email).