I AM replying to a letter sent in by Mr J Hogan, a former fire officer, and was so incensed by his comments I felt I had to reply to some of the points he made.

He firstly advocates that Lancashire's Chief Fire Officer knows his area best and that all other parties are merely biased by their own interest.

In other words you and I, the taxpayers of Lancashire.

In the press and subsequent IRMP document the chief (Peter Holland) and his management team stated how surprised they were as to public reaction to proposed cuts.

They were made aware of local issues by fire service personnel and members of the public and this led to them then rethinking their proposals (democracy at its best).

Mr Hogan goes on to state that the Fire Brigade Union and the strength of its members have virtually held the country to ransom in securing conditions of service which he claims are outrageous, wasteful and unacceptable.' The fire service is going through some very drastic changes, very few for the good.

However, it is the professional dedication of firefighters on the ground who risk their lives as recent news has shown with the death of two of its members at a firework factory.

Let's face it, when was the last time you heard of a manager in any emergency service losing their life in the line of duty.

Finally, I say to Mr Hogan get your facts right.' ALISON BARLOW, Barley Bank Street, Darwen.