I'M confused, I've just received a card from my local councillors offering me seasonal greetings.

Now don't get me wrong, it's a lovely thought to say hi to everyone in winter but I would have thought spring would be a more appropriate season in which to greet me.

Spring is a time when regeneration means more than just demolishing people's homes in favour of thinly disguised commercial interests.

Spring is a time when we should breathe appropriate new life into the heritage of our once fine buildings, rather than insulting the memory of those who bequeathed them by turning them into help centre for drug addicts.

But for some reason they chose winter.

Now surely if they just wanted to wish me a Merry Christmas they would have done so. To avoid doing so out of a misguided sense of political correctness would, of course, be an insult to the intelligence of the electorate, both Christian and non-Christian. Happy Christmas everyone.

KEVIN EYLES, Rawstorne Street, Blackburn.