SO now it is the turn of the poor wee robin to be whacked. What is the Church coming to? Trust it to pick on something small, innocent and defenceless.

I have a message for Messrs Goddard, Gillett, Reade and the Archbishop of York. Your day is over.

Such beautiful creatures as the robin and other real and natural symbols of goodwill, will far outlast any form of religious symbolism that greeting cards have shown or may show in the future.

The reason for this is really quite simple. They are real, just as the sun is real. A pagan symbol celebrated long before Christianity was thought of.

Whereas gods, some 30 odd thousand of them, are relatively quite new, and not one of them is any more believable than the others.

I would also like to point out that none of the pleasant creatures that adorn greeting cards have been responsible for wars, genocide, repression or murder.

You have had it your way for over 2,000 years. Now there is a change in the winds of time. Every day more and more people, especially the young, are becoming aware.

The days of ignorance, political correctness and liberalism amongst the majority are coming to an end.

R HARVEY-MORGAN SNR, Barnes Avenue, Rawtenstall.