AT a time when Central Government is proposing devolving more power and more control of finances to local councils, one might be concerned that our locally elected councillors are not "fit for purpose."

We read in the Lancashire Telegraph of one high profile local politician, ultimately forced to resign, having been convicted when dead mice, rodent droppings and cockroaches were found on his grocery business premises by local health officers.

Also the case in Burnley of councillors prosecuted for rigging the ballot is yet another example.

Hardly suitable custodians of the boroughs!

Time was when the office of mayor was occupied by men with a sense of civic pride, men of principle and integrity.

The pecuniary benefits of the expense system seems to have attracted a more opportunistic and self interested type of person.

The general public are all too aware of the "pigs at the trough" attitude from our national politicians when any chance of personal gain comes along.

Will the additional power and extra financial responsibility of the latest proposals test the honesty of our locally elected representatives?

L K CULSHAW, Sunnyside Avenue, Blackburn.