I DO not want to turn into a grumpy old woman from Darwen, but I fear it is happening. My daughter worked extremely hard to achieve her dream job of working in the media.

She travels into Manchester from Darwen on the train, not by choice. Due to a medical condition she does not drive, but if she did it would be impossible as traffic is horrendous at peak times.

The last straw was a recent morning. My daughter arrived on a wet, windy, cold station for the 8.40 from Clitheroe to Manchester, which didn't arrive. Over a crackly ancient speaker system they announced the train was cancelled, no explanation.

People then had to huddle like cattle in a small plastic shelter for 30 minutes to wait for the 9.10 which was full of people.

There were no seats and passengers had to pay over £7 for the privilege.

The operators are not providing a remotely decent service for a line with increasing numbers of passengers.

It is impossible to get any kind of response to complaints. leaving commuters feeling impotent.

We have just returned from Singapore where the rail system is a joy. Even Malaysia, which is a poor country by our standards, has a fantastic rail system and efficient and courteous staff.

For a country which actually built the trains, it is about time our operators came back with some answers for the weary commuters of East Lancashire, enabling them to enjoy a decent mode of transport.