I SEEM to have lost the plot regarding the new academy for Darwen.

First, the sports field was to be behind the lard refinery in Sough Road. There were to be shops and offices, staff car parks for 60 plus teachers, a drop-off for buses, cars etc.

Now Councillor David Smith informs us that there will also be a sports centre and all-weather pitches.

All this on an area about the size of three football pitches.

The school will accommodate 1,000 pupils, 20 tutor groups (when the leaving age is raised to 18).

There was nothing wrong with leaving school at 14 years (ask anyone over 60).

If, after nine years of education they can't read or write and have respect and pride, know right from wrong, it's high time to give up.

FRANK CROMPTON, Lightbown Street, Darwen.