IT truly has been a dream for those NHS executives who jobs have been affected by reorganisation.

Many who were given multi-thousand pound golden handshakes have, after only a few weeks, moved to highly lucrative posts in other areas of the NHS. For those at the bottom however, it has been a nightmare.

At this very moment in East Lancashire, there are scores of NHS employees fearing for their future.

When their departments have been closed or merged they have been arbitrarily moved, often to buildings several miles away which has caused them considerable expense and inconvenience. In addition there has also been months of going through the lottery of reapplying and then being interviewed for their own jobs, or even more insulting, jobs on much lower pay grades. Is there not something obscene about the way the fat cats can laugh all the way to bank when they lose their jobs, while those in the lower echelons have to worry whether they will be joining the dole queue?

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