I WISH to alert readers to the worrying fact there are still too many people who are living with dementia but have never received a diagnosis.

New figures reveal that across England, only 48 per cent of people living with dementia ever get a diagnosis. This is an increase of just two per cent on last year, despite government efforts to improve this.

I ask for your help as I am supporting the Alzheimer’s Society campaign to raise awareness of this key issue.

A diagnosis is just as important to people who live with dementia as the key to your car or your own front door. It unlocks access to support, information, and sometimes treatment.

With the right help it is possible to live well with dementia, and a diagnosis allows people to plan for the future.

These shocking new figures show that dementia is still yet to be given the same priority as other conditions.

The Government, the NHS, local GPs, and the wider public all have a role to play in helping people to get the support they need.

Help us change things for the better and sign up to stay in touch at www.alzheimers.org. uk/campaignersnetwork.

Finally, I would urge any readers who are worried about their own memory or that of a loved one to find out more at www.alzheimers.org.uk/ memoryworry, but also visit their GP.

Julie Mcdonald Pendle