Regarding the proposed anaerobic digestion plant in Ramsbottom, I understand fully the business opportunity and potential regional environmental benefit but, frankly, the management of the process to date has been poor.

I am amazed that those managing this project have had such a complete lack of regard for local residents and the local business community. This has resulted in the responses they have seen and the lack of support.

As a small business owner, resident and manager of a team of more than 20 staff that will be adversely affected by this proposed development, I would like to raise the following: n Consultation was not carried out effectively in early stages of the project’s development. I, like many other local residents, were not notified of the proposals and found out by word of mouth.

  • The consultation event at Ramsbottom Civic Hall was attended by junior staff who were poorly prepared to respond to residents about the proposals.
  • Tamar Energy has not yet operated any form of AD plant and has no track record in this field.
  •  Air quality assessment reports submitted to the planning authority are based on information for Manchester Airport, which has very different climatic conditions than the Irwell Valley and Ramsbottom.
  • There is only one potential local job created as part of this proposal. Many jobs will be at risk and people’s livelihoods damaged if planning is granted for this scheme.
  • The Environment Agency advises that any anaerobic digestion unit should be 250m from any dwelling or workplace. There are dwellings within 50m of the proposed site.
  • Traffic surveys have not been carried out and the applicants have used data which is more than 10 years old.

I feel that this site will have an adverse effect on Ramsbottom, which is now a thriving small town with a strong and independent business sector doing its best for its local community. We should do what we can to protect this for ourselves and future generations.

Glen Duckett, proprietor, Eagle and Child, Ramsbottom.