Jack Straw has been a good MP for this town.

I am diametrically opposed to Mr. Straw politically – I support the far right and am anti-immigration and anti-EU. I think NuLabour have helped ruin this country with their policies, especially the ‘open-door’ immigration policy, the gross expansion of the parasitical public sector, the promotion of ‘equality and diversity’ over meritocracy, their love of multi-culturalism and multi-racialism, their failure to regulate the banks and their emasculation of the police force into a police service (probably in revenge for what the cops did during the 1980s miners’ strike ).

I also think stupid lefty concepts in education have done our children a disservice when compared to other countries.

And don't get me started on NuLabour's health and safety blitz!

But Mr Straw, however much he was a part of all this, has been a good MP for me – I have had his help on more than one issue and he was absolutely first-rate in what he did for me.

I have also written to him many times on various issues and he always replies and, if necessary, gets a statement from a Government minister in order to formulate a reply.

I don’t know if he would have helped me if he knew I would love the BNP, or at least UKIP, to be in office, but he has been what an MP should be – someone who represents all his constituents, irrespective of their political persuasion.

Copperhead (via website).