Recent research indicates office workers may be prone to ill health induced by the lack of natural light for prolonged hours.

Office staff, cramped up in tiny offices without any windows but only four walls will display irate tendencies and depressive moods.

Here even the office door leads out onto an internal corridor without windows and the pressures and stress of paperwork coupled with inadequate lighting is putting workers health at a definite risk.

At this time of year a certain proportion of people are suffering from a condition called seasonal affective disorder or more commonly termed SAD.

Coming to work in such conditions during darker mornings and leaving in an equally dark evenings is a further recipe in triggering a disorder.

And it is not just office workers but generally all indoor workers not having sufficient exposure to natural daylight could be affected. In the longer term these conditions and their personal poor diet lifestyle will lead towards a serious deterioration of the person’s health.

Mr N Momoniat via email