I WOULD like to thank Blackburn & Darwen Brass Band for an excellent concert at Darwen Library Theatre on December 3.

They never fail to give their very best and those watching and joining in the banter made the afternoon even more special.

I would like to ask however, why people were turning up minutes before the start and handing in unwanted tickets? Had they really only just found out they were surplus? Did they really think some people would call on the off chance?

It had been a full house for weeks. I tried many times to get extra tickets for family and friends only to be told there were none left, leaving people as close as Belthorn and as far away as the Midlands disappointed.

Please, if you have any spare tickets, let the theatre know as soon as you do, because your actions are directly spoiling the enjoyment of others. We are fortunate enough to have a free concert and this privilege should not be abused.

E CREASEY, Belthorn Road, Belthorn, Blackburn.