FOLLOWING receipt of the Darwen town centre partnership newsletter, I would like to respond to Andy Kay's comments relating to Darwen town centre and the Christmas period.

What planet is Andy Kay, chair of Darwen town centre partnership living on? Christmas will make it a place to remember. We have complete traffic congestion in the centre, more health risks of carbon monoxide, and pedestrians squeezing between parked vehicles.

In Duckworth Street/Market Street no business premises, including restaurants and takeaways, have displayed any Christmas decorations, again.

However, all is not lost, for an approximate £5 return on the train, cheaper than taxi to Blackburn, you can visit Manchester, where you will see proper Christmas decorations, fine shops and street entertainment, appreciated by the public, not as in Darwen when a three-day market trader stopped similar entertainment on the weekend of the French/German market, complaining of the noise.

This must be Darwen's worst Christmas and with the closure of the leisure centre and the new academy, Darwen means more disruption to come.

D WALSH, Lynwood Ave, Darwen.