COULD I once more take this opportunity of reminding university students home for Christmas of the existence of a local source of funding to help with special aspects of their studies?

This is the Spring Hill Car Club Scholarship Fund - formed to help young people in East Lancashire with expenses incurred in their higher education courses.

Earlier this year for instance, Gemma Dale, a BSc Ecology student from Burnley, received help towards her expenses incurred in her magnificent field work on Christmas Island, where she played a significant part researching the life of fruit bats.

Karl Eastham, of Accrington, was helped with his degree in French and Arabic doing voluntary work in Morocco.

Ryan Harrison, from Waddington, was helped with costs incurred in his 12 month studying in France, and Carmine Grasso, of Oswaldtwistle, was given some assistance with the extra expenses incurred in studying medicine.

This is a fund specifically for East Lancashire students who have completed their A-level studies in the region.Further information can be found on our website at or by writing to the address below.

TOM HAWORTH (Clerk to the Trustees), 282 Willows Lane, Accrington BB5 ONJ.