I AM an 80-year-old pensioner. I served in the Royal Navy in the last war, I do not have a criminal record and I did not retire until I was 72 years old.

I was married to the same woman for 58 years, when my wife and I reached the age of 80, we received an extra 25p on our pensions. A few weeks ago my wife died after fighting cancer for 18 months.

I received a letter from the pension service informing me that her pension would now cease and that I would get an increase on my own pension, (they gave me 21p).

I did not retire until the age of 72 because I received my pension and a weekly wage from 65 years old, I paid over £100 plus per week in tax. This over seven years amounts to over £36,000.

If I now become ill and have to go to a nursing home they will sell my house to cover the cost.

What of my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren?

Now our MPs are demanding a 66 per cent pension rise. They want £100,000 pension when they retire.

What sort of Government treats its senior citizens this way? Where are our human rights.

Old people denied life-prolonging drugs because of the cost. We have already paid for our medical care in old age.

I have paid an extra £36,000 into the system. What do I get for this?

DEREK UTTLEY, Edgeside, Great Harwood.