REGARDING plans for the Oak Tree, Livesey Branch Road, Blackburn. I would like to make it clear that the objectors do not speak for all in this area.

When I first moved to the Langdale area 20 years ago, there were two shops within 100 metres. The nearest is now over a kilometre away.

A shop on the Oak Tree site would be very welcome, not only to myself but also to the many pensioners without cars or access to computer shopping who live in this area.

This was confirmed in conversation at the Friendship Club.

Currently most shopping involves bus journeys into town and, due to restrictions on carrying shopping, can mean up to four journeys each week.

The objections: Noise - Shops cause less noise than pubs. Currently the Oak Tree is quiet but a change of manager could see it thriving again.

Traffic - The shop would mainly be used by people on foot, but any traffic would be in the daytime and not an anti-social hours, probably giving less disturbance.

Children - Groups of children? Teenagers already congregate at Holly Tree and Feniscowles shops. The Oak Tree car park is not used for meetings at present and seems unlikely to do so in future. If it does it will probably be a lesser nuisance than it is now.

Competition - Only one shop is likely to be partially affected by competition and this is the off licence portion of the newagents.

If only 50 are against it, the rest of the community, 1,000 or more, must be for it or at least unconcerned.

MR A HURST, Arnside Crescent, Blackburn.