IN REGARD to the letter from Gary Titley MEP (Nov 28), the gist of his letter - Let's Make it a Euro Christmas.

We all know where this man is coming from. He has a vested interest in preserving his job.

He preaches about global warming, fighting terrorism, securing our energy supplies, and to be at the forefront of Europe.

In theory that could be true. It could also be said of Communism as ideas go.

Unfortunately human nature being what it is, these ideas never work.

In the real world the EU is dominated by France and Germany and almost always in their own interests, not ours.

Recently Saudi Arabia threatened to pull the plug on a multi-million pound aircraft contract because of a Serious Fraud Office investigation into bribery, in the way of alleged kickbacks to the Saudi princes.

That is blackmail of the highest order. And we read that they may award the contract to our great and loyal partner the French.

Afghanistan is supposed to be a joint UN action, but as usual France and Germany are leaving all the dangerous action to the Yanks, Brits and Canadians.

Of course they do offer their moral support by saying they are right behind us, and yes we do know how far behind they are.

Membership of the EU is very costly to the people of the UK.

No politicians to date seem to be able to prove what benefit it is to us.

Yet they surrender our Sovereignty on a regular basis.

EU laws overrule our laws causing insurmountable problems for us.

We have given up control of our borders to all and sundry.

Immigration has become one of the most serious problems.

It seems that all the new member states are being directed here in alarming numbers.

We are fast reaching saturation point, but we are not allowed by EU Law to put up the shutters and say we are full up.

The cost of being in the EU far outweighs any benefits we receive.

No, Mr Titley, we do not need your United States of Europe.

FRANK GRIMSHAW, Garfield Street, Accrington