I WAS saddened and deeply disappointed to read the recent letter, written I note by a Darwen resident, which branded Darwen Music Projects "festival hi-jackers."

I have worked closely with DMP for the last few years and have watched them work tirelessly to put together a rich and varied programme of acts, from up-and-coming and established local artists to breakthrough world music, thus making Darwen Festival the best thing that has happened in our town for a long time.

The people of Darwen should be pulling together and celebrating the fact that there are people among us with such drive and vision, rather than castigating those who are prepared to go the extra mile to put Darwen on the musical map.

I am sure that all those people who have been involved in making the festival happen will agree that it will not be the same without DMP.

LISA TIERNEY, Pepperpot Hill Theatre Group, Everton Street, Darwen.