I RECEIVED my new 2006-07 refuse collection calendar yesterday and noticed that it had changed from the 2006 one.

The last one ran from March 2006 until December 2006. The dates showed alternate weeks for brown and grey bins. In December 2005 to the end of February 2006, if my memory has not failed me, the grey bins were collected every week over that period.

Why now in the same period December 2006 to February 2007 are we not collecting grey bins each week? During these winter months the brown bins are not being utilised because of lack of garden waste.

I rang the council and was told by the staff that was rubbish. I very rarely see brown bins out in those winter weeks, so it would be nice to see how our refuse collectors are utilised on brown bin week. It would be far better to return to what went on in the past.

But this does not toe the party line. The Government want this to happen and our weak-minded local politicians just follow with their heads in the sand.Grey bins should be collected weekly, brown bins fortnightly and the bottle/plastic/paper fortnightly.

B WHITE, Risedale Grove, Blackburn.