WHAT have the Labour councillors not told us?Darwen's Labour councillors are quite happy to state that Darweners are moaning about investment in Darwen.

This is not the case. Darwen people have a history of the council not listening to the people of the town.

First we had the health centre debacle, all the people of the town stated that it was in the wrong place, but yet again they were not listened to.

We now have a health centre that is quite obviously in the wrong place. Next we had the Academy. The council went ahead with its plans against the wishes of the people and yet again the council was found to be acting in a way that was said to be wrong.

Now we have the leisure centre. It is quite obvious that this is not what the majority of the people in the town want. We had a family oriented leisure centre, that also supplied facilities for specialist groups. The health centre took away the facilities for football, hockey, netball and all other heavily-used facilities. Why?

Because they built the health centre in the wrong place. The health centre could have been built in Robin Bank. The council cannot deny this as they are looking to build a housing estate of more than 90 houses there.

The new leisure centre is being built on split sites because of the need for extra parking. The split site is nothing but a money saver for the council.

The new Vale site is superb for that area as they have no facilities, but ,and it is a big but, where are the cars going to park. Thirty parking places for a facility that will cater for at least a quarter of Blackburn as well as the whole of Darwen.

What about the traffic problems in the area? Why have the council not disclosed the information on what will be needed to resolve the traffic nightmare outside Vale School.

Consultation seems to be a word that the council have not understood the correct meaning of.

This is why the people of Darwen fight. We are the ones who have to live with the mistakes.