IN ANSWER to Ryan McKeefery's comment "Darweners Stop Whining."

Well, I and many others have something to whine about - the congestion of traffic due to "a total revamp of the town."

When this idea first came from the Blackburn Town Hall and councillors, it should have been planned out better than this.

Every day traffic is coming from Blackburn Road towards Bolton A666 and at Duckworth Street church the main traffic should turn up towards the JobCentre, leaving the buses and cars for parking outside TSB and shops on the left.

However, heavy goods vehicles who don't know the area, are going up the left side and then all this traffic is having to go up the incline and wait for the traffic coming from the right (via the Job Centre) to let them in.

This is ridiculous which is also hindering the buses who work to a schedule. Why isn't it signed up properly at Duckworth Street for heavy goods etc and drivers who are strangers - thus they are in the one lane which the buses use.

There was an articulated lorry from Northern Ireland in the same lane as the bus and more vans and lorries, when I was on the bus. I bet it took a quarter of an hour for the buses to get out.

Who planned all this? They couldn't organise a flitting!

AN OLD DARWENER, but still traffic conscious (name and address supplied).