RUBBISH - maybe that is what we should call the council's latest attempt to introduce a recycling plan to our borough.

By the amount of rubbish that has been piled on the street for the last two weeks, it is obvious, whatever the council's "good intentions" their plan is clearly not understood by my neighbours and me.

I am sure the plan was not to have rubbish piled on the street for two weeks.

May I suggest the council make their plans clear enough for residents to understand them. In areas with multi-storey flats like this, would it not make more sense to strategically place community skips, each designated according to type of rubbish, glass, paper, plastic etc? Most of these flats are one and two occupants, they do not generate enough rubbish by category to make individual collection efficient.

Using community skips would make collection a one-stop process. Thus keeping rubbish from being piled in the street and a more efficient system.

While on the subject of recycling, why is Britain the only advanced society that does not have deposits on cans, bottles, etc. They said it would cause chaos in New York City when such a system that required sellers to take back their containers and return a deposit.

Since the introduction of such a system in the 70s, one never sees a bottle or can on the street, the "street people" picked up those dropped by "litter louts." Supermarkets hired a full time person to take returns. In Britain is it another example of the power of business that we don't have such a system.

TONY HEYES, Swift Close, Blackburn.