I AGREE with Julie Morley about the rehabilitation unit in Windsmoor House School, Blackburn. It should not be used to house alcoholics or drug users.

This is a residential area and it affects people who live in the area, like myself, who had not received any information about what this building was going to be used for.

It was all hush hush. It was only the article in the LT which brought it to light. There have so far been no meetings for the local community to discuss their anxieties and fears about this rehabilitation programme.

It seems to me that Father Jim is only interested in his programme of drug users and alcoholics. What about the people in the community of Witton, Griffin and Mill Hill?

We are all left feeling angry and let down. Rehabilitation units should not be in residential areas. They should be in quiet areas like the countryside or even in the centre of Blackburn.

MRS B MORGAN, Franklin Road, Witton.