IT is with regret that having defied the law and advice from within the party, a local councillor remains a serving member.

While no statement has yet been made by the Labour Party other than a promise to investigate this matter, failure to take action would indicate that all is well and councillors are free to flout the law with impuntiy.

Notwithstanding the declared public resignation (as reported in the Press) from the Labour Group, the Labour Party has a duty to maintain standards in public life.

Never again will the Labour Party be able to accuse any other organisation of sleaze, given the number of incidents including shares and property deals that senior members of the party nationally have been involved in.

Not forgetting the, as yet, unresolved question of cash for honours that is being investigated.

It is in he hands of the Labour Party locally to either support the actions taken by professional officers who sought and secured a conviction or declare that there will be two standards in operation in the future, so that people know exactly where they stand on these issues.

PETER GREENWOOD, Rosewood Ave, Blackburn.