MY nine-year-old son has been bullied for over a year, but nothing seems to be done about it despite going to see the head. Now he is suicidal, I turn to my GP for help.

He contacts the head teacher in question who then decides to have a go at my son for involving other people, saying she will deal with it (she's had 12 months and done nothing).

She then goes on to tell my son a story about herself being bullied as a child which she lied to her mum about to stop her finding out that she was being bullied, but when her mum found out a few weeks later from other people that she had lied, she got a belt for it.

So what are they teaching kids today, that it's okay to be a bully because you won't get punished? Or that if you are being bullied make sure that your parents never find out or they will punish you for being a victim?

Unhappy Parent, Blackburn.