I REFER to the article on page two of the LT (November 10). Personally, I was never keen on the entire Elevate programme, even when it confined its activities to housing.

I was even less keen when the entrepreneur Wilson was allowed into the overall scheme and the activities spread into a variety of projects in East Lancashire.

By what right has Elevate co-opted Mr Wilson and his partner in the first place, "to maximise the effect of Elevate's work to improve thousands of homes."

What do the grandiose schemes dreamed up by the "consultants" have to do with improving homes, eg the Todmorden Curve, a Fashion Tower, the Canal Development, an Adrenaline Centre and so on?

These are to be "multi-million pound attractions," paid for by whom?

If they ever came to pass, apart from any Lottery money, the cost will inevitably be passed on to the poor taxpayer, just like new leisure centres, new hospitals, new schools and stupid projects like the mis-called panopticons.

Who pays these so-called consultants anyway, and how much?

Apart from unnecessarily sand-blasting some rows of houses on so-called gateway' roads, Elevate doesn't seem to have made much headway in what was its original objective, supposedly.

MR R BRACEWELL, Ormerod Street, Worsthorne, Burnley.