GENERATIONS ago the ordinary people lived in poverty and extreme hardship.

In the year 1914 war was declared and the people proud of their heritage vowed to unite and defend the country.

The cream of our men and women was lost in the fight and families torn apart with grief.

After the war despite the human sacrifice, conditions did not alter.

The year 1926 brought about the General Strike, throughout the country men stopped work, people rioted and fought the Government and army in the streets to bring about better working and living conditions.

Things did improve over the following years with the birth of the health service, social services and unions in the workplace.

All that our last previous generations fought to protect now seems to be in danger of being lost. Our customs, heritage, history, feast days and political allegiance, in fact all our national fabric is being eroded.

I would like to point out to some people and newly-formed groups that this country is over tolerant to all entrants under the EU passport scheme and also to other immigration rules.

People should remember they are guests in this country and should not interfere or try to alter our way of life.

Even if things are different regarding religion or customs.

The people that we welcome, we would like them to integrate with us, rather than alter us.

G J WELSH, Braeside, Oswaldtwistle.