FRANK Crompton has got it wrong. He asks "so what's new?" about the proposed Darwen Academy. For a start, it will have a sixth form - something we have not had in Darwen for many years.

As a result, Darwen has the highest number of 16-18 year olds not in education, employment or training in the whole of Lancashire. Darwen desperately needs a sixth form.

The academy will have a large all-weather pitch, a sports hall, computer/arts/crafts facilities - all of which will be open to the public out of school hours.

Mr Crompton also advocates demolition of the old Tech at Knott Street-Union Street junction. I wonder if he has approached the private owners of this building to gauge their reaction? The building is also in a conservation area, so would need special permission from the Government if the owners ever wished to demolish it.

COUNCILLOR DAVE SMITH (Sunnyhurst Ward), Woodbank Avenue, Darwen.