Plans to turn a former betting shop in Ramsbottom into a restaurant with an outdoor area have been approved.

A change of use planning application to turn the former Betfred store, directly opposite retail shop Velvet, on Bridge Street into a restaurant has been given the go-ahead.

The venue at the two-storey corner plot will provide indoor and outdoor seating and serve hot food, including "freshly-made pizza".

Delivery drivers would be able to use the car parking space located at the back of the building on Garden Street while visitors will be encouraged to park on nearby Union Street, King Street and Railway Street.

Environmental health raised concerns over noise levels but measures such as soundproofing and ensuring that there is no use of outdoor seating after 9pm will be introduced.

A planning statement says: "The proposal would provide internal seating area for patrons to enjoy hot cooked food, especially for shoppers, while also providing a new food outlet service for the local community.

"The proposal intends to also provide much needed economic boost to the existing area by providing a new restaurants within the parade with seating thereby attracting patrons from the local community and businesses.

"The vacant unit will be converted to provide new flavours of food for the community with freshly made pizza.

"The new restaurants would in turn also provide the employment of extra staff from the community."

Under the plans, the restaurant would open for trade, including deliveries, between 8am and 11pm from Monday to Sunday and also public holidays to limit noise during unsociable hours and to prevent nuisance arising.

The site sits within Ramsbottom Conservation Area but the building is not listed or locally protected.

The decision has been made to approve the proposal with conditions.

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