INSPECTORS carried out a site visit as part of the public inquiry into the proposed contruction of two 95ft wind turbines on the moors above Edgworth.

A four-day public inquiry before of a government inspector was held in February and a closing day for submissions from both sides took place on Monday at the Barlow Institute.

Protesters have been campaigning for two and a half years to stop turbines being placed at Uglow Farm and in a bid to fight the plans they set up the Edgworth Against Turbines group.

Legal representatives for appellants Angus and Julia Dootson, of Uglow Farm, summarised the reasons they believed the plans should be given the go-ahead and pointed out the importance of government targets towards renewable energy. Mr and Mrs Dootson applied for permission to install the turbines as part of a renewable energy scheme run by Cornwall Light Power.

But the plans were refused by the council in October 2004 on grounds of size and adverse impact on the character and landscape of the area.

Campaigners against the plans are now awaiting a decision from the government following yesterday's inspection and the closure of the inquiry.