A CHORLEY motorist who left another man seriously injured by deliberately reversing his car into him has been jailed for eight years.

Daniel Evans, 20, had taken a cocktail of drink and drugs before the incident and he drove off leaving his victim, who had been crushed into a wall and lamp post, in a heap, a court heard.

Judge Roberts told him: “What you did was truly wicked.

"The result on his body and life of what you did has been devastating.”

About two hours later he left a message on Facebook saying, “Some lad from Platt Bridge kicked off so I ran him over.”

Liverpool Crown Court heard that the victim, Dean Southworth, who had earlier been out in Wigan celebrating his 21st birthday, suffered multiple fractures to his pelvis, a broken right ankle, fractured left thigh and a ruptured bladder.

He cannot walk far or stand for long.

Evans, of Topaz Way, Chorley, admitted inflicting grievous bodily harm but denied a more serious offence of doing so with intent.

A jury found him guilty of that offence by a majority of 11 to 1.

Simon Driver, prosecuting, said Evans approached Mr Southworth, a stranger to him, and asked for help buying cocaine.

The pair later exchanged insults and threats which continued when Evans got into his Vauxhall Astra.

Evans reversed towards Mr Southworth. He then drove forward again and Mr Southworth again ran after the car striking out at it.

Evans again ‘put his foot to the floor’ and, travelling at about 10 mph, half mounted the kerb and deliberately turned the vehicle and struck Mr Southworth.

Frances Hertzog, defending, said Evans had made a ‘very foolish split-second decision.”