BANK customers were queueing around the block after a cash machine started giving out twice as much money as requested.

Dozens of astonished users of the Royal Bank of Scotland machine received the unexpected bonus over a two-hour period Word about the ‘free money’ soon spread around town and a long queue formed, causing what one witness described as a “party atmosphere”.

The Royal Bank of Scotland has confirmed there was a problem with the ATM in Market Street, Chorley, “for a short period” on October 23.

But the spokesman would not say how many customers were affected, how much cash went amiss or whether efforts would be made to retrieve the money.

A 25-year-old Chorley man said he heard rumours about the ATM at around 6pm while in a town centre pub.

He said: “There were a few whispered exchanges and the rumour went round that the machine was doubling with-drawals.

“I went to Market Street and couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

"There were around 20 people queueing for the one till while all the other machines on the street were empty.

“Everyone was chatting about it and waiting their turn. It was almost like a community event.

“If anyone tried to get a second card out after they had used the machine, they were told to get to the back of the queue.”

Another ‘beneficiary’, a 21-year-old woman from Coppull, said she had heard the rumour and decided to investigate.

She said: “I asked for £30 and it gave me £60. I was made up. It was just crazy.”

A spokesman for the Royal Bank of Scotland said: “For a short period last Thursday, our ATM at the Chorley branch was dispensing cash incorrectly as a result of a technical glitch.

“The problem was quickly identified and resolved.”

Although the bank refused to say whether they would try to retrieve the excess withdrawals, Chorley solicitor David Edwards, of Stanley H Cross and Co, in Ashfield Road, said: “From a legal perspective, if the customer was aware that he was being given more money than he requested and he retained it, then technically it is theft.

“If he is unaware that he has been given too much, there is no dishonesty and hence no theft.”

A spokesman for the police said it was a matter for the bank.