60 local business leaders came together to attend an Inspirational Leadership workshop organised by East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce and delivered by Ben Walden of Olivier Mythodrama. a business established by Richard Olivier, son of world famous actor Sir Laurence Olivier

Henry V was a visionary leader who rallied his troops to defeat the French army against all odds at the Battle of Agincourt. 

The workshop examined the leadership techniques adopted by Henry V to prepare his troops for battle and to conquer a variety of adverse situations. Ben Walden used the lessons from Henry V and put them into a modern business setting.

The venue for the event was Hoghton Tower providing an authentic Shakespearean setting and was once home top William Shakespeare in his time as a school master.

The workshop was attended by the Diamond Ambassador members of East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce and included senior managers from Daisy Communications, Napthens Solicitors, PM&M and Northcote Group to name a few.