FIFTY homes are set to be created in the Daneshouse area of Burnley – despite concerns that a “very valuable” semi-natural wildlife habitat will be lost.

Land off Grey Street had been identified by Great Places Housing Group, between the Leeds and Liverpool Canal and the rear of the Barden Lane campus, for the development.

But members of Burnley Wildlife Conservation Forum were concerned that the open grassland and mature scrub at the location, which supports breeding birds and butterflies, should be preserved.


“This area of land is a prime example of semi-natural habitat supporting a good range of flora and fauna species which is vital to preserve in its present state on the urban fringe so that residents can access and enjoy nature on foot closer to their homes,” said a spokesman.

County council highway officials had also called for a £40,000 planning deal to upgrade a public footpath to a shared pedestrian and cycle route between Evelyn Street and Heald Road but this was not required as the borough’s development control committee approved the scheme.