A 34-year-old mother and her 17-year-old son have been evicted from a ‘party house’ in Blackburn.

Blackburn magistrates approved a three-month closure order on the premises at 38 Nuttall Street, Ewood, after police compiled evidence of 31 calls to the ‘nuisance address’ since last June.

Tenant Samantha Whalley left court before the brief hearing. Police then went to board up the house.

Community beat manager PC Mark Perry said: “There has been fighting in the street, knives used, drinking at all hours of the day.

“Throughout the summer we had regular complaints of people in the back garden on mattresses, taking drink and drugs.

“Apparently the property is in a poor state so the landlord will now repair it.

"Anybody who enters the property in the next 90 days will be arrested.”