A NURSE from Blackburn will be tackling the Great Wall of China later this year in a bid to raise cash for elderly people.

But before she sets off on her challenge trek, Michelle Grogan, 40, of Princess Gardens, Feniscowles, must raise £2,500 and lose weight.

Michelle, who works in the dermatology unit at Blackpool's Devonshire Road Hospital, will be taking part in the ten-day Age Concern trip between September 30 and October 9.

She said: "I saw a poster for the challenge in a nursing home that my friend works in and it hit home to me when I saw the statistics showed that 30 elderly adults commit suicide each week because of loneliness.

"I decided that if I did the trek I could not only raise cash towards Age Concern's work but also raise awareness of their work with elderly people who don't realise there are people there for them. They shouldn't have to be alone.

"My husband thinks I am mad but we are all going to be old one day. I just need to raise the £2,500 now."

Michelle, who has previously raised cash for charity by completing a sponsored bike ride from Blackburn to Blackpool, will also have to begin a training regime to get fit for the trek.

She said: "I am really going to have to get fit. I am slimming at the moment and getting people to sponsor me for that because at the moment I weigh 13 stone. I am a real couch potato so I'm going to have to get going on the treadmill."

The trek passes through woodland and terraced farmland, as well as through hills and mountains in remote areas north of Beijing.

It will follow old sections of the Great Wall, as well as the restored sections which include numerous steps.

Michelle is hoping that people will sponsor her trip to help raise cash for Age Concern. She can be contacted on 07971 233971.