A TEENAGE mother who went on a spending spree after finding £135,000 mistakenly deposited in her bank account has been warned she could face jail.

Sarah Jane Lee, 19, of Dunoon Drive, Shadsworth, was due to be sentenced at Preston Crown Court yesterday after admitting an offence of retaining wrongful credit and 11 specimen charges of theft from banking giant Abbey.

Four more defendants, including Lee's sister Amanda Moorcroft, David Shaun Moorcroft, Winston Mark Moorcroft and family friend David Utley, are all due to answer handling and theft charges relating to the case. Amanda Moorcroft, 24, and David Moorcroft, 42, both of Sandon Street, Winston Moorcroft, of Rothesay Road, and Utley, 26, of Preston New Road, all Blackburn, deny the charges and are due to be committed for trial on September 10.

Lee's barrister Robert Woodward told the court yesterday that his client had indicated she would be willing to give evidence for the prosecution in any prospective trial involving her sister.

Judge Robert Brown remanded Lee on bail for further inquiries to be made and told her all sentencing options, including custody, remain-ed open.

Magistrates were told that at an earlier hearing that Lee had booked a holiday to Florida as part of a £33,000 spending blitz before the money was traced to her account.

She discovered the mistake, by Abbey, when she went to withdraw £10 from her account last November.